photo: Gert Jan Pos
Robin van Leijsen is a fine artist based in Breda and Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

As an multidisciplinary maker, Robin creates magical realistic and playful works. In these works, they touch upon themes as nostalgia, family, identity, and behavioral patterns. Robin started as a painter, mostly painting self-portraits as a way of introspection. In the past few years Robin started experimenting with more materials, and discovered their love for woodworking, ceramics, collaging, and video-making.
Humour plays a big part in Robin’s works, this they achieve through colour use, distortion, and playing with size differences. This way the sensitive subjects, which root in things Robin experiences in times of change, have a protective, approachable layer. Besides this, their love for making, craftwork, shows in the (final) artwork.

Robin van Leijsen (2001)
Telephone: +31 6 31229333
fine artist
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10 july - 4 october: Artist in residency, Institut français x Cité internationale des arts Residencies (Paris)

2019-2023 Bachelor Fine arts, Willem de Kooning Academie
2021 summercourse portrait painting, Klassieke Academie Groningen

2024 Ongekend Young Masters Auction, Adams x Kers Gallery (Amsterdam)
2023/2024 Apprentice Master, Kunstpodium T (Tilburg)
2023 Project weeks, Pictura Teekengenootschap (Dordrecht)

2024 Salon der Rotterdamse Kunstenaars 1966/2024, curated by Niek Verschoor, De Doelen (Rotterdam)
2024 Reclame Bord 6, root.url, curated by Ellie McGuiness (Rotterdam)
2024 Building Bridges, CULT=US x De Zolder (Rotterdam)
2024 Tell it like it is, curated by Benjamin Carels, Guts Gallery (London)
2024 Friet bij de Stratos, Time is the new space (Rotterdam)
2024 Een zak zonder zelfbeeld, Kunstpodium T (Tilburg)
2023 Best of Graduates, Ron Mandos Galerie (Amsterdam)
2023 Clean Heart, Time is the new space (Rotterdam)
2023 Graduation show Willem de Kooning Academy (Rotterdam)
2023 Meddling Species (The Hague)
2023 Het Middagmaal, Time is the new space (Rotterdam)
2020 Weekend van het portret, Nederlandse portretprijs (Amsterdam)
2019 VO expo, Stedelijk Museum Breda

2023 Painting 'Knuffelen' purchased by Museum Voorlinden
2021 Sterren op het Doek (Dieuwertje Blok)

2023 Creatives in Conversation, Sophie Dieudonnee

2023 HP de tijd

2021 Mijn Hobby, Mijn Passie, HalloGilzeRijen

link to interview
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