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'A life well lived in the scorching sun'
Group installation, Kunstpodium T, 2024
by Milou van Vlijmen, Puk van de Wouw, Michelle Kanters en Robin van Leijsen
photos by Suzie Vermunt
The day was warm. There was not a breath of wind, and the sun burned like a blazing oven. Jan Naaijkens - Vogels op Wielen (Birds on Wheels)
On a sweltering summer day, Roos leaves her room (for reasons unknown to us). It was so hot at that time even nature seemed to give in to the intense heat. The drought had split the earth. Is the end of Roos' life starting to present itself here? In what should have been her oasis lie the relics of her life. Silent reminders of a past time. Everything that Roos ever believed she would need to survive today is scattered aimlessly among the remnants as the worms begin their inescapable work. The only note that Roos left for us says: cave a vermibus.*
*beware of the worms